Churches Mutual Credit Union (CMCU)

CMCU is a not-for-profit member-owned savings and loans co-operative established in 2014 by various UK churches, including the Church of England. It offers its members savings and loan products, including car and restructuring loans. We have recently started a partnership with CMCU in relation to debt restructuring loans for eligible clergy with personal unsecured debt of between £5,000 and £20,000.

StepChange Debt Charity

StepChange is a UK debt charity offering free debt advice and money management support to around 650,000 people a year. Debt advice is provided online or over the phone. We have recently started a partnership with StepChange in relation to debt support for eligible clergy with personal unsecured debt of more than £20,000. 

The OT Practice

The OT Practice is an independent Occupational Therapy company specializing in providing expert clinical occupational therapy services nationwide. Their aim is to give people their independence, both in daily living and from ongoing OT treatment. We’ve recently partnered with the OT Practice to offer OT assessments to eligible beneficiaries, when considering grant requests towards health-related equipment or adaptations.