About the charity and who it serves
Learn about and become a Governor
Est 1655, Royal support and six charities
Reports, statistics and policies
Staff, Trustees, Presidents and Patron
That we support with a grant
Who help us deliver grants and services
St Paul's Cathedral, Tue 13 May 2025
Plaisterers' Hall, after the Service
Support & process in an historic role
How your Company can get involved
Choirs, music, preachers and photos
Apply for & manage your grants/services
What you need to register and verify
Register, verify, confirm, match & apply
What you need to provide
Register, applying, process and technical
Walk-through how to register / apply
Unexpected expenses, up to £500
Promoting your health and happiness
Physical/mental/neuro-diverse needs
Larger needs, means-tested
Unsecured debt support
For households with specific needs
A space to think and reflect
Talking therapies and counsellors
Summary of available help
CBTi for poor sleep and insomnia
Supporting applicants from home
Access appropriate state support
Ensure you meet our thresholds
Training offering for dioceses
Text, logos, leaflets, etc
Relating to clergy household wellbeing
Activity days, retreat centres, care homes
Alternative grants and support
Support networks for the household
Support for ordinand households